
The Art of the Apology

Dr. Rick Brinkman teaches you how to apologize with the help of his two cats. Watch as he coaches Neelix to apologize to Leela. Learn the one thing you absolutely must NOT do when you apologize or it will not work and in fact will backfire and make things worse.



Saying "No" is Your Most Important Time Management Tool

Steve Jobs said, "Focus is about saying 'no' to 1000 things. I am as proud of the things we have said 'no' to as those we have said 'yes'". Here is a great article on "no".

Have you ever come back to work after a holiday with firm intentions that this time you will manage your commitments better? Yet, a few weeks back at work and that resolution seems a distant dream.



Polish is the 25th Language of Dealing with People You Can't Stand

I am proud to announce that our book Dealing with People You Can't Stand, How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst (Brinkman & Kirschner, McGraw-Hill 2004, 2003, 2012) is now in it's 25th language. The companion book which we affectionately call "the Cliff Notes" version: 24 Lessons for Managers: Dealing with Difficult People has also come out in Polish.


Awake within a dream: Lucid dreamers show greater insight in waking life

People who are aware they are asleep when they are dreaming have better than average problem-solving abilities, new research has discovered. Experts say that those who experience ‘lucid dreaming’ -- a phenomenon where someone who is asleep can recognize that they are dreaming -- can solve problems in the waking world better than those who remain unaware of the dream until they wake up.


Failure is Not an Option

When ever I am faced with adversity or doubt, this is the sign I look at in my office,  (and then I "Spring into Action").

Download the PDF to print here:
