These are broadcast out of Dr. Rick's video studio and are not just voice over PowerPoint. They have all the animation and wit that is his signature style.

The Webinar format has some unique advantages.

  • It allows people in different geographic locations to participate together in a learning experience.
  • Because each class is recorded, it maximizes participation. Scheduling conflicts are eliminated. If someone can't make the live class they download the audio and do the assignments.
  • It's ongoing. If you have people focus on something over the course of a few weeks, they learn and act upon it at a deeper level. For example the equivalent of a full day 9-4 program (usually 5.5 contact time minus breaks) can be done as four 60 to 90 minute programs over a four week period.
  • Homework. In between classes there are assignments in the laboratory of life. Further keeping people focused, paying attention to how the influence others, and remain accountable. "The buck stops here", for the Conscious Communicator.
  • Book Club. It can be organized around reading Dr. Rick's book with 3 webinars over a six week period.
  • It's Green. No one has flown anywhere, driven anywhere or gone anywhere other than the place where they can pick up the phone and/or the computer. They will also have access to Dr. Rick during the week to ask questions. He can record audio answers and post them for the whole group or make them part of the subject of next weeks class.

To brainstorm the possibilities of what Dr. Rick can design for you please write email to schedule a time to talk: dr.rick@rickbrinkman.com 

Have questions?

To check Dr. Brinkman’s schedule/availability and to discuss fees, please contact: 
Rick Brinkman Productions, Inc.