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Books, Videos, Audios, Desk References, Online Class, and TRAINING KIT to Empower
You to Create a Life of Passion, Purpose and Results
Dr. Rick Brinkman is one of today’s foremost experts in the art of conscious living. By bringing greater consciousness to every moment of your life – from your beliefs about your place in the universe to how you communicate, from what values guide your minute-to-minute decisions to how you interpret interactions with others – you can vastly improve the quality of your life and the results you achieve.
Through his popular books, videos, speeches and seminars, Dr. Rick has taught millions of people worldwide how to his use innovative and highly effective Conscious Communication® and Conscious Living® strategies to design happier, more fulfilling lives.
Whether you’re interested in dealing with difficult people, strengthening relationships with your relatives, becoming a better manager or simply taking greater control over your life, Dr. Rick’s store has something to offer for you.
The Conscious Communication ONLINE COURSE
7 Hours of entertaining and in depth training to transform relationships and turn conflict into cooperation.