Dealing With Meetings You Can’t Stand,
Meet Less and Do More
I have good news and bad news. First the bad news, meetings are a necessity. But the good news is, most people hate meetings. Therefore, even if you don't run the meetings, if you suggest to the person in charge, "Would you like to try a process that makes our meetings more focused, shorter, and more effective?" It's a rare human being who will respond with, "No, we wouldn't want that!"
According to the Wharton Center for Applied Research, published in the Wall Street Journal, the average senior executives an average of 23 hours per week in meetings, and middle managers 11 hours. And according to senior and middle managers, and 44 percent of these meetings are unproductive.
The Harvard Business Review found that 15 percent of an organization's total collective time is spent in meetings and that percentage has increased every year since 2008.
A 2015 Harris Poll survey found that the #1 obstacle to getting work done is MEETINGS!
Keep in mind that does not factor in the value of the thousand other important things you should be doing but are not doing because you are in a meeting.
I have been teaching communication for over 30 years, and in my research I have found the problems at meetings tend to consistently fall into 4 categories. preparation, people, process and time. This book solves them all!
How You’ll Benefit:
- Learn to balance participation so the assertive people don't dominate and passive people must contribute.
- Spot the 12 most common difficult meeting behaviors: Tank Attacks, Snipers, Grenades (tantrums), Know it alls, Think-they-know-it-alls, Negativity, Whining, Nit picking Judges, Yes, Maybe, and Nothing people.
- Learn how the Meeting Jet process prevents all 12 difficult behaviors from occuring in the first place
- How to maintain a focus to completely eliminate any tangents.
- Turn potential conflict into cooperation with holographic thinking, where everyone see's eachothers point of view to understand the big picture.
- The art of the effective agenda. The two most important items that must be on the agenda to maintain focus and are almost never there.
- Apply the Meeting Jet process to Virtual meetings as well as face to face.
"We have had a 3-hour weekly meeting for years. The first time we did your process we got it done in one hour and got more accomplished at a higher quality. Wow."
Don Anselm, Integrated Scheduling, Boeing Aircraft & Missiles
Dealing With Meetings You Can’t Stand, Meet Less and Do More
$19.85 (Same as Amazon price) and Shipping Included
Dr. Rick Brinkman, McGraw-Hill, Softcover
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Dr. Rick Brinkman, one of today’s leading experts in effective communications. Through his popular books, videos, speeches and seminars, he has taught millions of people worldwide how to his use innovative and highly effective Conscious Communication ® strategies to deal with difficult people and create more harmonious, productive relationships.