After over 2 million copies of his coauthored books in 25 languages and after performing over 4000 keynote and seminar programs in 17 countries.
Dr. Rick Brinkman explains why people act the way they do and what you can do about it, to employees of ITV London, UK at their December Lunch & Learn.
Dr. Rick Brinkman teaches you how to apologize with the help of his two cats. Watch as he coaches Neelix to apologize to Leela. Learn the one thing you absolutely must NOT do when you apologize or it will not work and in fact will backfire and make things worse.
I am proud to announce that our book Dealing with People You Can't Stand, How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst (Brinkman & Kirschner, McGraw-Hill 2004, 2003, 2012) is now in it's 25th language. The companion book which we affectionately call "the Cliff Notes" version: 24 Lessons for Managers: Dealing with Difficult People has also come out in Polish.
1. What is Conscious Communication?
2. What are the top ten difficult behaviors plus 3?
3. The behaviors are not “personality typing”
Listen to this 20 minute podcast where we specifically touch on Know-it-All behavior and how to open people's mind to the ideas of others. How to deal with Meddling from the Enhanced eBook "Dealing with People You Can't Stand, How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst," now at the iTunes bookstore.
Give it as a gift for that person with an iPad. The iTunes bookstore has now added the ability to buy a book as a gift for a person.